Family in my Backyard: Living Life Together

A tool for knowing and loving the Christian neighbours in your parish.

<FIMBY is currently available to those who live, work or worship in the V6A of Vancouver, BC>

In today’s world, where social media often dominates our interactions, FIMBY emerges as a beacon of meaningful connection. Unlike many digital platforms that use algorithms to hook us with constant content, promoting echo chambers, FIMBY enriches our lives with real-world interactions. It offers a practical approach to share, lend, and support one another, actively combating consumerism and environmental neglect.

FIMBY is more than a counter to platforms that amplify bias and individualism; it brings us into direct contact with our neighbors, fostering genuine relationships. It allows us to share in the joys and challenges of our community, enhancing our understanding through direct engagement.

While it may not have the flashy appeal of typical social media, FIMBY invites us to engage deeply in the spiritual disciplines of Hospitality, Service, Stewardship, Fellowship, Simplicity, Prayer, Celebration, and Witness. This platform is not just a tool—it’s a journey towards spiritual deepening and authentic community-building, helping us live out the Kingdom of God right where we are.

Echoing Marshall McLuhan’s words, ‘We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us,’ choosing FIMBY is about more than adopting a new platform; it’s about committing to love our neighbors, stepping into the unknown, and accepting the discomfort that fosters true growth. This path challenges us to deepen our relationship with the Holy Spirit, who sustains us daily, empowering us to love and serve like Jesus, and shine His light throughout our community.

Many years ago while American radio commentator Roy Lloyd interviewed Mother Teresa he asked, “Mother, in your opinion what is the biggest problem in the world today?” Immediately Mother Teresa said, “The biggest problem in the world today is that we draw the circle of our family too small.”

Then she told him how to solve this problem,

“Every day we should continue to draw the circle of our family larger and larger.”