Mission: To stitch the fabric of each parish together by providing a platform for Christian neighbours to know and love one another through the giving, receiving and lending of resources.
Vision: Through simple acts of love, generosity and vulnerability, Christians within each parish will come to see and treat one another as family regardless of their differences. Together, this newfound Christian family will bear witness to the love of God by fostering a distinct culture rooted in love, faith and place.
- Love
- God is love, and we long for others to know and experience this love. As we pursue our relationship with God we become like him, and our lives bear witness to this love through our actions.
- Vulnerability
- We all need to experience the love of God through the actions of those around us, and so we strive to be open and honest with each other. We share our needs and bear each other’s burdens graciously as God has done for us.
- Fidelity
- We are committed to maintaining our relationship to God, to the land we live on, to the place we call home, and to our Christian family.
- Diversity
- God’s kingdom is for everyone and we will create a generous space that welcomes everyone who follows Jesus with their whole heart. (POC, White, Poor, Rich, LGBTQ2S+, Straight / Cis, Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, etc)
- Creation
- The earth is our collective home and we are called to steward and care for it just as much as we care for God and our neighbours.
- The Parish
- We prioritize caring for the place we reside (our neighbours & neighbourhood), not just those we choose to affiliate with, ie those who may look or think like us.
- Humility
- We do not seek ‘gold stars’. Instead, we hope our collective actions bear witness to the great love bestowed upon us by God through Jesus Christ.